Records of the Vice President: Barlow/Browning Papers

University of Rhode Island, University Archives and Special Collections
15 Lippitt Road
Kingston, RI 02881-2011
Tel: 401-874-4632


Published in 2010

Collection Overview

Title: Records of the Vice President: Barlow/Browning Papers
Date range: 1940-1947, (bulk 1940-1947)
Creator: Office of the Vice President
Extent: 15 box(es)
(7.5 linear feet)
Abstract: The Records of the Office of Vice President represents the records of two men, John Barlow and Harold Browning, who occupied the Office of the Vice President from 1940 through 1947 at the then Rhode Island State College. Both men served the institution for over forty years and both held a number of administrative positions, each often occupying a number of positions simultaneously. These records cover the war and post-war years at the school, as well as significant administration changes.
Language of materials: English
Repository: University of Rhode Island, University Archives and Special Collections
Collection number: Rec.Gr. 3.1

Scope & content

The records described herein represent a small fragment of the records created by the Office of Vice President of Rhode Island State College from 1940 to 1947. Many of the records that remained were removed from a basement storage area of the Administration Building and transferred to the University Archives in the summer of 1985. They were in no particular order when received by the Archives.

Because John Barlow and Harold Browning each held a number of other administrative positions simultaneously with the Office of Vice-President, the records contained in this group are not always clear as to office of origin. Nor is it always clear in which capacity Barlow and Browning were acting when they authored a particular document. In many instances, the stationery on which the document is typed carries the letterhead of one administrative office while the title of another office is appended to the signature. In addition, in many cases, Barlow and Browning took action in more than one capacity simultaneously. Consequently, while the bulk of the records reflect the activities of the Office of the Vice-President, materials from the offices of Dean of Men and Dean of the School of Science and Business are also represented in this record group.

The years 1940 through 1947 were crucial to the development of what is now the University of Rhode Island. The decade began with he firing of Raymond G. Bressler, the very popular president of Rhode Island State College, after a protracted and very public dispute with the newly installed Board of Trustees. Shortly after the decade ended, the institution achieved University status. In between, it experienced the inauguration of a new president, a world war which reduced its pre-war enrollment by seventy-five percent, and an enormous upsurge in applications immediately after the war. The Office of the Vice-President was intimately involved in the attempt to cope with all of these crises.

In November, 1941 Dr. Carl R. Wolldward assumed the presidency. A month later, Pearl Harbor was attacked and the United States was plunged into a World War. Even the bucolic campus on Kingston Hill could not escape the effects of the war. The college radically altered its program to meet the changing circumstances of the war years. An accelerated year round program was instituted so that students could complete degree requirements in less than three years rather than the usual four. The Army Specialized Training Program (ASTP) came to the campus in 1943, training over 600 men for specialized work in the military service. The Army Specialized Training Program Records (Record Group 118) located in the University Archives, contain records relating to this program.

Despite these responses, college enrollment dropped precipitously from a pre-war high of about 1200 in 1940 to less than 400 in 1944. Faculty were also lost in large numbers to the military and qualified replacements were difficult to obtain. The college survived the war-caused problems of low-enrollment and faculty shortages only to be inundated by a flood of returning veterans, ballooning enrollment to a 1940s high of over 3000 in 1946. With the aid of a special appropriation made available by the General Assembly, the College was able to obtain war surplus buildings, including Quonset huts, to serve as dormitories, dining halls, and classrooms. A "Quonset Village" appeared on the campus in early 1946 to house returning veterans and their families.

Tantalizing glimpses of all these crises and the college's response to them are available from the materials in this record group. Because of the large gaps in the collection and the myriad responsibilities held by Barlow and Browning, however the records of the Office of the Vice-President is far from complete for this period. Any researcher consulting these materials should also consult Records of the President's Office: Carl R. Woodward, 1941-1958 (Record Group 1) in the University of Rhode Island Archives. The Woodward records offer a more comprehensive and detailed account of the years in question.


After sorting, the records in this group were divided into two series, Subject Files and Correspondence.

  • 1. Subject Series
  • 2. Correspondence

Historical note

John Barlow, after a short stint as an Assistant Biologist at the Agricultural Experiment Station in 1897, returned to Kingston to stay in 1902 when he accepted the positions of Professor of Zoology and Head of the Department of Zoology at the then Rhode Island State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts. He remained as Head of the Zoology Department for over thirty-five years, finally surrendering that position in deference to his increased college-wide administrative responsibilities. As Barlow's tenure lengthened, his responsibilities increased. In 1930, he was named Vice-President and Dean of Men. In 1931, he added the title of Dean of the School of Science and Business to his portfolio. Durning this period, he also found time to serve two terms as Acting President from April, 1930 through March, 1931 and again from March, 1940 through October 1941. Barlow officially retired on his seventieth birthday, November 28, 1942, completing over forty years' service to the institution. He died in November of 1944.

Dr. Harold Browning matched Barlow in longevity and in the variety of administrative positions he held. Browning, a 1914 graduate of Rhode Island State College, returned to his alma mater in 1920 and remained until his retirement forty-two years later. Like Barlow, Browning was recruited as a professor and department chairman, in the Botany Department. Also like Barlow, he gradually accumlulated a number of other administrative positions durning his forty year tenure. While Barlow served as Acting President in 1930-1931 and 1940-1941, he named Browning Acting Dean of the School of Science and Business and Acting Dean of Men. Browning also accepted the title of Director of Graduate Studies in 1931, a position he held until 1945. When Barlow retired in 1942, Browning relinquished the Botany Department chairmanship to assume Barlow's positions of Vice-President, Dean of Men, and Dean of the newly created School of Science. He surrendered the position of Dean of Men in 1947 when John Quinn was hired to fill that position on a full-time basis. He remained Dean of the School of Science which later became the College of Arts and Sciences in 1947, until 1960 when he was replaced by Roman Zorn.

Access & Use

Access to the collection: Open for research
Use of the materials: Terms governing use and reproduction: Photocopying and scanning of materials is a fee based service available in the repository and is allowed at the discretion of the Archivist when in compliance to the Unit's policy on copyright and publication.
Preferred citation: Records of the Vice President Barlow/Browning Papers, Rec.Gr. 3.1, University of Rhode Island, University Archives and Special Collections.
Contact information: University of Rhode Island, University Archives and Special Collections
15 Lippitt Road
Kingston, RI 02881-2011
Tel: 401-874-4632


Administrative Information

Acquisition: The records were transferred to the University Archives in 1985. They were previously housed in the basement of the Green Hall.
Author: Finding aid prepared by Dr. Kevin J. Logan.
Encoding: Finding aid encoded by Lauren A. Gage, revised by Margaret E. Brewer 2011 February 23, updated by Erin Mullen on 2014 March 14, updated by Mark Dionne on 2020 April 24.
Descriptive rules: Finding aid based on Describing Archives: A Content Standard (DACS)

Additional Information



Series 1. Subject Series
The Subject Files consists of the general administrative records of the Office of the Vice-President and contains correspondence, telegrams, memoranda, reports, administrative letters, office diaries and various other files maintained as part of the office operation. The office diaries were kept by the Vice President's secretary, Anna C. Caswell from 1937-1961. The records relate to such concerns as air raid wardens, the Army Specialized Training Program (ASTP), a cut system for classes, the Scholarship/Scholastic Standing Committee, and the then newly instituted Teacher Training Program.

Among the more interesting subjects is the Army Specialized Training Program which offered training for specialized service in the military to nearly 800 inductees in 1943 and 1944. Other war related materials of interest can be found in folders labeled "Air Raid Warden" and "Dim-outs on Campus". Also of interest are the folders labeled "Dances". The material contained in the latter folders demonstrates clearly the close interest the administration showed in the social, as well as academic, life of its students. The Administration, including the President's Office assumed its role of in loco parentis very seriously. Finally, the Scholarship/Scholastic Standing Committee folders containing academic warning letters, demonstrate the difficulty students encountered in concentrating on their studies with a world war raging beyond the peaceful confines of Kingston.

These files are arranged alphabetically by subject and chronologically by date within folders.

Container Description Date
Box 1, Folder 1a Academics
Box 1, Folder 1b Admissions: Requests, Petitions for, Denials, etc.
Box 1, Folder 1 Air Raid Wardens
Box 1, Folder 2 Applications: Languages
Box 1, Folder 3 Applications: Women's Physical Education
Box 1, Folder 4 Armed Forces Institute and Accrediting Committee
Box 1, Folder 5 Army Business Operations and Campus Food Service
Box 1, Folder 6 Army-Marine Corps Band
Box 1, Folder 7 Army-Navy Training Program
Box 1, Folder 8 Army Specialized Training Program
1942-1943 Oct
Box 1, Folder 9 Army Specialized Training Program
1943 Nov-1943 Dec
Box 1, Folder 10 Army Specialized Training Program
1944 Jan-1944 Apr
Box 1, Folder 11 Army Specialized Training Program
1944 May-Oct, undated
Box 1, Folder 11a Barlow, Biographical Information
Box 1, Folder 11b Barlow, Class Notes
Box 0, Folder 11c Barlow, Class Notes
Box 0, Folder 12 Budget: School of Science, 1941-42
1940 Nov-1940 Dec
Box 0, Folder 13 School of Science, 1943-44
1942 Nov-1942 Dec
Box 2, Folder 14 School of Science, 1944-46
1943, 1946
Box 2, Folder 15 Chemistry Department
Box 2, Folder 16 Christian Council World Order
Box 2, Folder 17 Civilian Conservation Corps
Box 2, Folder 18 Civilian Pilot Training Program
Box 2, Folder 19 Columbia University: Division of War Research
Box 2, Folder 20 Committees: Freshmen Advisors
Box 2, Folder 21 Committees: Veterans' Education
1945, 1947
Box 2, Folder 22 Conferences: Episcopal Church
Box 2, Folder 23 Conferences: Farm and Industry: Conference
Box 2, Folder 24 Conferences: High School Superintendents
Box 2, Folder 25 Conferences: Miscellaneous
Box 2, Folder 26 Convocations
Box 2, Folder 27 Curriculum Proposals
1941-1942, 1944
Box 2, Folder 28 Cut System Survey, 1935: Completed Questionnaires
Box 3, Folder 29 Cut System Survey, 1935: Responses
1935 Feb
Box 3, Folder 30 Cut System Survey, 1935: Miscellaneous
1927, 1942, 1945-1946
Box 3, Folder 31 Cut System Survey, 1935: Miscellaneous
Box 3, Folder 32 Dances
Box 3, Folder 33 Dances
Box 3, Folder 34 Defense Organization
Box 3, Folder 35 Defense Work: Letters of Recommendation for
Box 3, Folder 36 Deferment of Teachers
Box 3, Folder 37 Dim-Outs on Campus
1942-1943, undated
Box 3, Folder 38 East Hall: Draperies
Box 3, Folder 39 East Hall Association
1935, 1940
Box 3, Folder 40 East Hall Association
1942-1943, 1946
Box 4, Folder 41 Eleanor Roosevelt Hall
1937, 1944
Box 4, Folder 42 English Laboratory Prospectus
Box 4, Folder 43 English Prize
Box 4, Folder 44 Enlisted Reserve
Box 4, Folder 45 Faculty and Staff, Miscellaneous
1936, 1941-1946
Box 4, Folder 46 Faculty Tea for President Woodward
Box 4, Folder 47 Firefighters: Coventry Fire
Box 4, Folder 48 Food Handlers Examination
Box 4, Folder 49 Four-H Club
Box 4, Folder 50 Freshmen, Miscellaneous
Box 4, Folder 51 Girl Scouts
Box 4, Folder 52 Grist, 1941
1940-1941 Jan
Box 4, Folder 53 Grist, 1941
1941 Feb-1942
Box 4, Folder 54 Horowitz, Anita
Box 4, Folder 54a Invitations
Box 4, Folder 55 Legislative Guest Day
1944-1945, 1947
Box 4, Folder 56 Liberal Arts Curriculum
Box 4, Folder 56a Miscellaneous Correspondence and Communications A-L
Box 4, Folder 57 Marriage Parley
Box 4, Folder 58 May, Henry: Memorial Service
Box 4, Folder 59 Military Service: Letters of Recommendations for
1941-1942 Jun
Box 4, Folder 60 Military Service: Letters of Recommendation for
1942 Jul-1943 Jun
Box 4, Folder 61 Military Service: Letters of Recommendation for
1943 Jul-1946
Box 5, Folder 62 New England College Presidents
Box 5, Folder 63 New England State Universities and Colleges
Box 5, Folder 64 Observation Posts: Washburn Hall
Box 5, Folder 65 Pearl Harbor Day
Box 5, Folder 66 Philosophy Curriculum Proposal
Box 5, Folder 67 Physical Education Curriculum, Applications to
Box 5, Folder 68 Physical Education: "D" Ratings
Box 5, Folder 69 Physical Education: Curriculum Proposal
Box 5, Folder 70 Physical Fitness Program
Box 5, Folder 71 Physical Education: Medical Excuses
Box 5, Folder 71a Physical Operations: Receipts, Plans for Buildings, Modifications, etc.
Box 5, Folder 72 Plant Development: A Ten Year Program for the Development of the Physical Plant of RI State College
Box 5, Folder 73 Pre-Medical Course Applicants
1937, 1940-1941,1943, undated
Box 5, Folder 74 Pre-Medical Course Applicants
Box 5, Folder 74a Miscellaneous Correspondence and Communications M-P
Box 5, Folder 75 Scholarship Committee
1940 Jun-1940 Dec
Box 5, Folder 76 Scholarship Committee
1941 Feb-1941 Apr
Box 5, Folder 77 Scholarship Committee
1941 Jun 17
Box 6, Folder 78 Scholarship Committee
1941 Jun 17
Box 6, Folder 79 Scholarship Committee
Box 6, Folder 80 Scholarship Committee
Box 6, Folder 81 Scholarship Committee
Box 6, Folder 82 Warning Letters
Box 6, Folder 83 Warning Letters
Box 6, Folder 84 Warning Letters
Box 6, Folder 85 Warning Letters
Box 6, Folder 86 Scholastic Standing Letters
Box 6, Folder 87 School of Science and Business Annual Reports: Bacteriology-Geology
Box 6, Folder 88 School of Science and Business Annual Reports: Annual Reports, History-Zoology
Box 6, Folder 89 School of Science and Business Annual Reports: Annual Reports, Bacteriology-Zoology
Box 6, Folder 90 School of Science and Business Annual Reports: Annual Reports, Miscellaneous
1942, 1944
Box 7, Folder 91 School of Science and Business Annual Reports: Curriculum Changes, Bacteriology-Zoology
Box 7, Folder 92 School of Science and Business Annual Reports: Curriculum Changes
Box 7, Folder 93 School of Science and Business Annual Reports: Equipment Issued to Schools
Box 7, Folder 94 School of Science and Business Annual Reports: Faculty Meetings
1935-1938 Jun
Box 7, Folder 95 School of Science and Business Annual Reports: Faculty Meetings
1938 Sep-1939
Box 7, Folder 96 School of Science and Business Annual Reports: Faculty Meetings
Box 7, Folder 97 Selective Service: Status of Faculty and Students
1940-1943 Mar
Box 7, Folder 98 Status of Faculty and Students
1943 Apr-1945 Oct
Box 7, Folder 99 Sheets and Blankets for ASTP
Box 7, Folder 100 Student Affairs
1940-1942 Jun
Box 7, Folder 101 Student Affairs
1942 Jul-1943 Jun
Box 8, Folder 102 Student Affairs
1943 Aug-1943 May
Box 8, Folder 103 Student Affairs
1945 Jun-1945 Dec
Box 8, Folder 104 Student Affairs
Box 8, Folder 105 Student Affairs
1947 Jan-1947 Apr
Box 8, Folder 106 Student Affairs
1947 May-1948
Box 8, Folder 107 Student Life Committee
Box 8, Folder 108 Student Petitions: Re Courses
Box 8, Folder 108a Miscellaneous Correspondence and Communications Q-T
Box 8, Folder 109 Teacher Training Program
Box 8, Folder 110 U.S. Government: Air Force
Box 8, Folder 111 U.S. Government: Miscellaneous
Box 8, Folder 112 Miscellaneous T-U
1940-1943, 1945-1946,1948-1949
Box 9, Folder 113 Veterans
1943-1945 Jun
Box 9, Folder 114 Veterans
1945 Jul-1946,1948
Box 9, Folder 115 Veterans' Association of RI State College
Box 9, Folder 116 Veterans' Guidance Center
Box 9, Folder 117 Veterans' Guidance Center
Box 9, Folder 118 Veterans' Guidance Center
Box 9, Folder 119 V-E Day Ceremony
1945 May
Box 9, Folder 120 Visual Instruction
Box 9, Folder 121 V- Miscellaneous
Box 9, Folder 122 War Bonds and Stamps
Box 9, Folder 123 War Manpower Commission
Box 9, Folder 124 War Memorial: Student Union
Box 9, Folder 125 War Program Committee
Box 9, Folder 126 War Surplus Musical Instruments
Box 9, Folder 127 Whelan, Elinor
Box 9, Folder 128 Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges
Box 9, Folder 129 Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges
Box 10, Folder 130 Woodward, Carl: Reception for
Box 10, Folder 131 W- Miscellaneous
Box 10, Folder 132 W- Miscellaneous
Box 10, Folder 133 W- Miscellaneous
Box 10, Folder 134 W- Miscellaneous
Box 10, Folder 135 Y-Z Miscellaneous
Box 10, Folder 136 Roger Williams Park Museum Monograph (No. XVI): "The Spiders of Rhode Island" by C. Abbott Davis, S.B.
1905 Dec
Box 11, Folder 137 Office Diaries (Kept by Anna C. Caswell)
Box 12, Folder 138 Office Diaries (Kept by Anna C. Caswell)
Box 13, Folder 139 Office Diaries (Kept by Anna C. Caswell)
1951, 1958-1961

Series 2. Correspondence Series
Series II, Correspondence, consists of correspondence between Vice-Presidents Barlow and Browning and other administrators and faculty at Rhode Island State College. Items of interest in this series include correspondence with the Director of Admissions James Eastwood, Controller Stanley Gairloch, and President Carl Woodward. The correspondence with Gairloch in particular reveals the financial restraints under which the college operated during the war years and the strain placed on financial resources by the massive influx of students in the immediate post-war years. The Eastwood correspondence gives some indication of the difficulties the college encountered in recruiting a sufficient number of students to remain open during the war years and in coping with the flood of applicants immediately after the war. Woodward's correspondence reveals the manner in which policy decisions were made by the Administration. The technique of decision by committee appears to have been very popular with Woodward. The bulk of the correspondence is with faculty members of concerns such mundane matters as class schedules, student grades, and some leaves of absence made necessary by the war. The series is arranged alphabetically by name of correspondent and chronologically by date within folders.

Container Description Date
Box 14, Folder 1 Albright, Alexander, Nicholas-Anderson, Carl
Box 14, Folder 2 Agricultural & Home Economics Extension
Box 14, Folder 3 Arthur, J.B.M. (Director, Division of General College Extension)
Box 14, Folder 4 Athletic Council
Box 14, Folder 5 Austin. E.L. (Director of Admissions)
Box 14, Folder 6 Barber, Saul
Box 14, Folder 7 Barlow, John
1938, 1940-1942
Box 14, Folder 8 Beach, Elizabeth (Physical Education Instructor)
Box 14, Folder 9 Beck, Hubert P. (Chairman, Dept of Education and Psychology)
Box 14, Folder 10 Bennett, Kenneth
Box 14, Folder 11 Berry, Brewton
Box 14, Folder 12 Broadcast Music Inc.
Box 14, Folder 13 Brooks, George (Debate Coach)
1940-1941 Apr
Box 14, Folder 14 Brooks, George (Debate Coach)
1941 May-1942
Box 14, Folder 15 Brooks, George (Debate Coach)
Box 14, Folder 16 Baird-Burdick
Box 14, Folder 17 Candelet, John
Box 14, Folder 18 Campbell, Capone-Churchill
Box 14, Folder 19 Clark, William (Director of Housing)
Box 14, Folder 20 Coates-Culp
1932, 1943, 1946, 1940-41, 1948
Box 14, Folder 21 Darlington-Duffy
1939-1941, 1945-1947
Box 15, Folder 22 Eastwood, James (Director of Admissions)
Box 15, Folder 23 Fish-Fuller
Box 15, Folder 24 Gairloch, Stanley (Controller)
Box 15, Folder 25 Gairloch, Stanley (Controller)
Box 15, Folder 26 Geary-Gordon
Box 15, Folder 27 Grinsted, Alan D.
Box 15, Folder 28 Hazlett-Hughill
Box 15, Folder 29 Ince, Joseph (Head of Chemistry Department)
1930, 1941-1943 Aug
Box 15, Folder 30 Ince, Joseph (Head of Chemistry Department)
1943 Sep-1945
Box 15, Folder 31 Ince, Joseph (Head of Chemistry Department)
Box 15, Folder 32 Jones-Jordan
Box 16, Folder 33 Karbaum, Franz
Box 16, Folder 34 Katz-Knickerbocker
Box 16, Folder 35 Knowles-Krakower
Box 16, Folder 36 Lamb-McAleer
Box 16, Folder 37 McCauley, Lee (Director of Music)
1936-1938, 1941-1944
Box 16, Folder 38 McCauley, Lee (Director of Music)
Box 16, Folder 39 Marble, Norman (Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds)
1943 May-1944
Box 16, Folder 40 Marble, Norman (Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds)
1944 Jun-1944 Dec
Box 16, Folder 41 Marble, Norman (Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds)
1945 Jan-1945 Mar
Box 16, Folder 42 Marble, Norman (Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds)
1945 Apr-1945 Dec
Box 16, Folder 43 Marble, Norman (Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds)
1945 Jan-1945 Mar
Box 16, Folder 44 Marble, Norman (Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds)
1946 Apr-1946 Jun
Box 16, Folder 45 Marble, Norman (Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds)
1946 Jul-1946 Dec
Box 16, Folder 46 Marble, Norman (Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds)
Box 17, Folder 47 McCready-Mulick
Box 17, Folder 48 Nardone, Lillian
Box 17, Folder 49 Nelson-Pelton
Box 17, Folder 50 Perry-Potter, Henry, M.D.
Box 17, Folder 51 Providence Journal
Box 17, Folder 52 Quinn, John (Dean of Men)
Box 17, Folder 53 Ramos-Rosen
Box 17, Folder 54 ROTC
Box 17, Folder 55 Sanik-Sherman
1940, 1944-1948
Box 17, Folder 56 Sims-Sullivan
1940, 1943-1947
Box 17, Folder 57 Tau Kappa Epsilon
Box 17, Folder 58 Temple-Tobin
Box 17, Folder 59 Tucker, Lucy (Registrar)-Tucker, Randall
Box 17, Folder 60 Wales, Royal (Dean of Engineering)
Box 17, Folder 61 Warwick Country Club
Box 17, Folder 62 Warren-Whipple
Box 18, Folder 63 Whitmore-Wilson
Box 18, Folder 64 Woodward, Carl R.
Box 18, Folder 65 Woodward, Carl R.
1942 Jan-1942 May
Box 18, Folder 66 Woodward, Carl R.
1942 Jun-1942 Dec
Box 18, Folder 67 Woodward, Carl R.
Box 18, Folder 68 Woodward, Carl R.
1944 Jan-1944 Jun
Box 18, Folder 69 Woodward, Carl R.
1944 Jul-1944 Dec
Box 18, Folder 70 Woodward, Carl R.
1945 Jan-1945 May
Box 18, Folder 71 Woodward, Carl R.
1945 Jun-1945 Dec
Box 18, Folder 72 Woodward, Carl R.
Box 18, Folder 73 Woodward, Carl R.
Box 18, Folder 74 Wright, Kenneth