Scope & content
The Records of the Multicultural Center (MCC) are organized in accession order. The first group of records, which formed the Subject Series and part of the Multimedia Series, were transferred to Special Collections in 1996, the year after the Multicultural Center moved into the new building on Lower College Road. The rest of the records were transferred in 2005.
The records were organized into the following series:
Series I a, Subject File [1956] 1971-1996, includes flyers for the activities of multicultural student organizations and Greek societies on campus, events sponsored by these organizations and the Multicultural Center, scholarship information and employment opportunities, and general information on topics such as AIDS, bilingual education, and racism.
Series I b, Subject File 1981-2004, includes flyers for events and organizations, MCC newsletters, mission and vision statements, memoranda related to affirmative action, and the partial correspondence of Melvin Wade, director of the multicultural center. Subjects of particular note include the nonviolence initiatives of Bernard Lafayette and the papers of the Society Organized Against Racism.
Series II, Diversity Week, 1997-2004, includes a few meeting minutes, flyers, memoranda, and evaluations.
Series III, Search Weekend, 1983-1999, includes budgets, news clippings, memoranda, applications, schedules, and evaluations.
Series IV, New Building, 1993-1998, includes the project manual, checklists for finishing and decorating the new building, and plans for the opening celebrations.
Series V, News Clippings, Scrapbooks, and Photographs, 1994-2004, includes loose news clippings, bound copies of "In the News," student organization scrapbooks, and photographs taken at the Multicultural Center and at student organization events.
Series VI, Multimedia, 1996-2002, contains VHS video tapes of various events sponsored or related to the Multicultural Center or its interests.