Scope & content
The records described herein are those of the Rhode Island Agricultural Experiment Station from 1889 to 1957, with the bulk of the records covering the years 1890 to 1912. The directors during this period were: Charles 0. Flagg (1888-1897), Arthur Brigham (1897-1901), and Homer J. Wheeler (1901-1913). The records, stored for several years in the attic of Taft Hall, are in poor to good condition. Outgoing correspondence, copies of which were made by the letterpress method, is in particularly poor condition and many of the letters have faded to the point of illegibility. Incoming correspondence, bound ledgers, and field books are in generally good condition.
The bulk of the collection consists of correspondence relating to the station's research and regulatory responsibilities. A smaller, though probably more historically valuable, portion of the collection consists of log books recording field experiments on the various research plots, faculty and staff research notebooks, daily farm and office journals, daily weather observation reports, and the financial records of the station.