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Formal title:
David Beckwith papers
30.0 Linear feet
Date range:
1946-2011 (bulk 1980-1999)
The David Beckwith papers (1946-2011) is a significant collection of organizational records, correspondence, publications, training and funding materials relating to community development and organizing on both the local and national levels. Most of the material dates from 1980 to 1999 and represents the work of a wide range of community organizations, advocacy-based coalitions, governmental agencies and private organizations devoted to fulfilling social needs such as housing, transportation and education. The Papers also include a small but noteworthy collection of counter-culture newspapers from the mid-1960s and early 1970s.
John Hay Library
Collection call no:
Formal title:
Natalie Bayard Brown papers
53.25 Linear feet
Date range:
1877-1950 (bulk 1897-1950)
Natalie Bayard Brown (1869-1950) was the wife of John Nicholas Brown (1861-1900) and mother of John Nicholas Brown (1900-1979), members of the prominent Brown family of Providence, Rhode Island. The papers reflect Natalie Bayard Brown's interests in politics and charitable causes through correspondence with family and friends, writings and speeches, scrapbooks, and photographs. The papers contain detailed financial and legal records related to John Nicholas Brown's (1900-1979) large inheritance from his father and uncle, Harold Brown. The papers also hold travel diaries and photographs from Natalie Bayard Brown and John Nicholas Brown's (1900-1979) travels in Europe, Asia, and Middle East.
John Hay Library
Collection call no:
Formal title:
Cape Verdean periodical collection
14 cubic feet.
Date range:
A collection of newspapers, journals, and newsletters either published in or pertaining to Cape Verde.
Special Collections, James P. Adams Library
Collection call no:
Formal title:
Guide to the Ralph E. Carpenter, Jr., collection of manuscripts
0.42 linear foot (1 document case)
Date range:
1711-1920 and undated (bulk 1711-1870)
This collection consists mainly of letters, receipts, and accounts from 1711-1920 that were collected by Ralph E. Carpenter, Jr. (1910-2009). The majority of these documents regard various people, places, and events in Newport, Rhode Island, from the colonial period through the early twentieth century.
Redwood Library and Athenaeum
Collection call no:
Formal title:
Robert F. Cohen, Jr. papers
7.1 Linear feet
Date range:
1952-1984 (bulk 1966-1972)
The Robert F. Cohen, Jr. papers relate to his activist work as a student at Brown from 1964-1968, and as a community organizer in Providence and other Rhode Island communities, and New York City around welfare rights, housing discrimination and education between 1966-1972. The collection contains original materials created in the context of this work, including press releases, research notes, minutes of meetings, leaflets, and other organizing materials, as well as news clippings covering the actual events. There is also an extensive collection of publications from progressive organizations.
John Hay Library
Collection call no:
Formal title:
Scott Corbett papers
1.5 Linear feet
Date range:
1884-1984 (bulk 1941-1971)
The Scott Corbett papers contain a variety of material related to his career as a writer as well as personal memorabilia from his childhood and service in the United States Army during World War II. These papers also include Elizabeth Corbett’s personal and business papers and artwork by the illustrator and author Don Freeman.
John Hay Library
Collection call no:
Formal title:
Gordon Hall and Grace Hoag Collection of Dissenting and Extremist Printed Propaganda
168,800 items from 5470 organizations (as of 2000)
Date range:
1926-1996 (bulk 1960-1990)
The Hall-Hoag Collection of Dissenting and Extremist Printed Progpaganda constitutes the country's largest research collection of right and left wing U.S. extremist groups, from 1950 to 1999.
John Hay Library
Collection call no:
Formal title:
Henry D. Hamilton papers
10.5 linear feet (9 records center boxes, 1 legal-size Hollinger document case and 2 oversize boxes)
Date range:
1836-1968 (bulk 1837-1942)
Henry D. Hamilton was a lawyer and politician who also served as the Adjutant General of New York and Rhode Island. His papers include, but are not limited to, correspondence, business papers, subject files, diaries, certificates, photographs, scrapbooks, and artifacts. Most of the material dated before 1894 belonged to Henry Hamilton's father, B.B. Hamilton, a Baptist minister. The collection also includes genealogical information about the Hamilton family, writings and correspondence by Henry's elder brother John B. Hamilton, a medical doctor, and material related to the military careers of B.B. Hamilton, Henry D. Hamilton and Henry's son Warren Hamilton.
John Hay Library
Collection call no:
Ms. 2009.009
Formal title:
Rush Hawkins collection
71 linear feet
Date range:
1750-1951 (1830-1917)
The Rush Hawkins collection (1750-1951(bulk 1830-1917)) contains personal, family, financial, and military correspondence and documents; photographs; and a variety of museum objects ranging from dinnerware and household items to clothing and personal accessories belonging to the Hawkins and Brown families. Most of the collection reflects the life and interests of Hawkins himself, with some items related to his wife Annmary Brown Hawkins and her family. Included in the papers are two significant sub-collections of correspondence: a collection of antebellum historical letters and documents from earlier generations of the Brown family, as well as individual letters from Thomas Jefferson, Nathaniel Greene, Edgar Allan Poe, and Napoleon I; and a collection of Civil War-related correspondence and documents that contains records of Hawkins' Zouaves and much Confederate material, including a subseries of Jefferson Davis's communications to the Senate of the Confederate States.
John Hay Library
Collection call no:
Formal title:
James Humphrey papers
9 Linear Feet
Date range:
1957-2009 (1971-2006)
This collection consists of the literary and personal papers of the poet James Humphrey. It includes correspondence with poets, publishers, friends and family; manuscripts for poems, novels, screenplays, essays and short stories, both published and unpublished; unframed abstract artwork, photographs and scrapbooks. The audio material in these papers consists of one audiocassette, two compact discs and eight reel-to-reel tapes. The papers are dated from 1957 to 2009.
John Hay Library
Collection call no:



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