Rhode Island Archival and Manuscript Collections Online

Limit My Results

  • undated
    ( 95 )
  • 2001 - 2100
    ( 25 )
  • 1901 - 2000
    ( 972 )
  • 1801 - 1900
    ( 405 )
  • 1701 - 1800
    ( 107 )
  • 1601 - 1700
    ( 19 )
  • 1501 - 1600
    ( 1 )
  • 1401 - 1500
    ( 1 )
  • 1201 - 1300
    ( 2 )


Use this site to explore the wealth of archival and manuscript collections housed in public, private, and university repositories across Rhode Island. Browse by holding repository, date, subject, etc. or begin a search above. Discover what historical materials are available for research throughout the state.

What can I expect to find?

The finding aids, descriptive inventories, and collection notes available on this site provide access to archival and manuscript collections documenting the history of Rhode Island and many other subjects. These materials may range in size from a single hand-written letter to hundreds of boxes of records and can include photographs, original manuscripts, personal papers, and more. Contact the holding repository directly about visiting the collections.

What is RIAMCO?

Rhode Island Archival and Manuscript Collections Online (RIAMCO) is a gateway to the archival and manuscript collections in Rhode Island. RIAMCO is directed by an Executive Committee with representatives from each of the consortium members.


For Participating Institutions